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Solarwinds Engineer's Toolset
Network software with over 60 must-have tools

Solarwinds Engineer's Toolset

SolarWinds Products
Solarwinds Engineer's Toolset
SolarWinds Engineer's Toolset
License with 1st-year Maintenance
Our Price: $1,495.00

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SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset (ETS) helps you monitor and troubleshoot your network with the most trusted tools in network management. Version 11.0 now comes with an intuitive web console for 5 of the most popular tools - Response Time Monitor, Interface Monitor, CPU Monitor, Memory Monitor, and TraceRoute.

Engineer’s Toolset at a Glance

  • Monitor and alert in real time on network availability and health.
  • Perform robust network diagnostics for faster troubleshooting and quick resolution of complex network issues.
  • Easily deploy an array of network discovery tools including Port Scanner, Switch Port Mapper, and Advanced Subnet Calculator.
  • Manage Cisco devices with specialized tools including Real-time NetFlow Analyzer, Config Downloader, and Config Compare.
  • Cut troubleshooting time in half and put frequently used tools at your fingertips. SolarWinds Orion integration makes easier and faster troubleshooting allowing you to start tools contextually from any monitored element in Orion.


Intuitive Web Interface

Response Time Monitor
Web access for Response Time Monitor allows you to monitor availability of multiple devices in real time and obtain latency and availability information in tabular form.

Memory Monitor
Web-based Memory Monitor allows you to monitor memory utilization in real time and enables you to view current memory utilization alongside the total memory available.

CPU Monitor
Monitor CPU load for multiple devices in real time and set warning and alarm thresholds for each device independently.

Interface Monitor
The Interface Monitor allows you to view real-time interface statistics for routers and switches simultaneously.

The Web-based Trace Route utility enables you to trace the route of a network path and analyze the performance and latency of each hop across a communication path.

Toolkit Administrator

Toolset Launchpad
Quickly access your favorite tools and all networking tools. Customize these groups as required.

Workspace Studio
The innovative Workspace Studio allows you to implement tabbed views displaying a wide range of your vital network statistics.

Configuration Management

Manage network devices with specialized tools including Real-time NetFlow Analyzer, Config Downloader, and Config Compare.

Config Compare
Compare the running configuration of a Cisco router or switch with the startup configuration stored in non-volatile NVRAM.

Config Downloader
Download device configuration files from a Cisco CMTS or network router to a remote PC.

Config Editor/Viewer
Extracts Cisco router running network configurations and automatically archives them for future reference.

Config Uploader
Enables you to upload configuration changes to routers or switches via SNMP. You can change an entire configuration or just one or two parameters.

NetFlow Configurator
Enables you to remotely configure NetFlow v5 via SNMP on supported Cisco devices - it’s never been easier to get started with NetFlow!

TFTP Server
Enables you to concurrently upload and download executable images and configurations to routers and switches.


Perform robust network diagnostics for troubleshooting and quickly resolve complex network issues with tools such as Ping Sweep, DNS Analyzer, and Trace Route.

Network Diagnostics with Enhanced Ping
Diagnose network problems by continuously monitoring devices in real-time and displaying response rates in graphical charts.

“Simple ping” allows you to keep a running response time log and export results.


A collection of effective systems management tools including WAN Killer, Wake-on-LAN, WMI Browser, and more.

Remote TCP Reset
Remotely displays all active sessions on routers and terminal, dial-in, and access servers.

Update System MIBs
Enables you to view, update, and publish MIB changes to the user description fields for any SNMP device.

Generates a “Magic Packet” to remotely power on PCs attached to networks.

WAN Killer Network Traffic Tool
Lets you test your network by generating random traffic on your Wide Area Network (WAN), adjusting circuit bandwidth and the percent of load.

MIB Scanner
The MIB Scanner interrogates devices to determine if the MIB is supported by the specified network devices.


Monitor IP addresses, DHCP scopes with easy-to-use tools such as IP Address Management, DHCP Scope Monitor, Advanced Subnet Calculator, and more.

Subnet Calculator
Performs classful subnet calculations, Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) calculations, and DNS resolution.

DHCP Scope Monitor
Polls DHCP servers to extract IP scopes and highlight scopes low on dynamically assigned IP addresses.

DNS Structure Analyzer
The DNS Structure Analyzer that visually displays the hierarchy of DNS resource records, including name server, CName, and pointer.

DNS Audit
Enables you to locate DNS database errors and validate forward and reverse resolution of domain names.

DNS Who Is Resolver
Allows you to look up and report on domain names, URLs, IP addresses, network addresses, and e-mail addresses.

IP Address Management
Determines which IP addresses are not in use and how long it has been since they have been used.

Spam Blacklist
Enables you to test corporate e-mail servers to ensure they are not listed in one of the spam blacklist databases.

Log Management

Effective log management tools for creating, receiving, and logging SNMP traps including tools such as Syslog Server for syslog message collection and filtering.

SNMP Trap Editor
Enables you to modify SNMP trap templates and mimic critical alerts to ensure management systems are functioning properly.

SNMP Trap Receiver
Enables you to receive, log, and view SNMP traps and verify that a trap source is configured and functioning properly.

Syslog Message Center
Allows you to send and receive syslog messages and decode the messages for logging purposes.

Network Discovery

Deploy an array of network discovery tools including Port Scanner, Switch Port Mapper, and Advanced Subnet Calculator.

IP Network Browser
Performs network discovery on a single subnet or a range of subnets using ICMP and SNMP.

MAC Address Discovery
Scans subnets and constructs a table relating IP addresses to MAC address, DNS, and manufacturer address.

Network Discovery Tool - Network Sonar
Enables you to produce a detailed network inventory in just minutes and generate reports using built-in templates.

Ping Sweep
Scan a range of IP addresses to display which addresses are in use and perform reverse DNS lookups.

Port Scanner
Tests for open TCP ports across IP addresses, port ranges, or a selection of specific machines and ports.

SNMP Sweep
Query an IP address range to locate used and unused IP addresses, and obtains data about each system in the range.

Subnet List
Discover all subnets and masks on a network by scanning route tables on a seed router.

Switch Port Mapper
Remotely discover devices connected to each port on a switch or hub, as well as details about each port.

Network Monitoring

Monitor and alert in real time on network availability and health with tools including Real-Time Interface Monitor, SNMP Real-Time Graph, and Advanced CPU Load.

CPU Load Monitor
Allows you to monitor and graph the real-time CPU load on routers and set alarm thresholds to quickly identify problems.

Bandwidth Gauge
This utility displays bandwidth statistics, in real-time, for data being received and transmitted for any remote network device.

CPU Gauges
Monitor the CPU load on routers, switches, and Windows® 2000 and later computers via SNMP.

NetFlow Real-time Tool
Enables you to perform real-time capture and analysis of Cisco® NetFlow data, providing in-depth visibility into bandwidth utilization.

Proxy Ping
Allows you to remotely initiate a ping test from any remote Cisco® router to any other SNMPenabled device.

Network Interface Monitor
Displays real-time networking monitoring statistics from routers and switches simultaneously.

Router CPU Load
Monitors the CPU load on multiple Cisco® routers concurrently, recording peak load level and when it happened.

SNMP Device Performance Tool
Enables you to collect and graph performance data from any SNMP-enabled device.

TraceRoute Tool
Enables you to trace the route of a network path from your computer to any other device.

Availability Monitor Tool - Watch It!
An availability monitoring tool that enables monitoring and alerting on the availability of critical network devices directly from your desktop.


Ensure network security with handy tools including Router Password Decryption, SNMP Brute Force Attack, and SNMP Dictionary Attack.

Router Password Decryption
This utility decrypts any Cisco type-7 passwords for routers and switches, enabling you to recover lost passwords.

SNMP Brute Force Attack
Enables you to attack an IP address with SNMP queries to determine the SNMP read-only and read-write community strings.

SNMP Dictionary Attack
Simulate attacks using permutated hacker dictionaries on network devices to identify security vulnerabilities.


MIB Viewer
Quickly retrieve frequently used MIBs using SolarWinds extensive MIB database.

MIB Walk
Discover and produce reports detailing which MIBs and OIDs are supported on a particular device.

SNMP MIB Browser
Query remote devices for software and hardware configurations via SNMP using SolarWinds extensive MIB database.

System Requirements:

Minimum Requirements

  Desktop Web/Server
CPU 500MHz or faster Dual Core, 2GHz or faster
Memory 128 MB 4 GB
Hard Drive 640 MB 4 GB

Minimum Software Requirements

  Desktop Web/Server
OS One of the following 32-bit or 64-bit operating systems is required:
  • Windows Server 2012, 2008 and R2, 2003 SP1 or later
  • Windows Vista Business and Ultimate Editions
  • Windows 7, 8, 8.1
Windows Server 2008 R2, 2008 R2 SP1, 2012, 2012 R2 or later
Other Network card or modem required; sound card recommended, but not required. SQL Server
  • SQL Server 2005 SP4 , SQL 2008 without SP, 2008 SP1, 2008 SP2, 2008 SP3, SQL 2008 R2 without SP, 2008 R2 SP1, 2008 R2 SP2, SQL 2012, SQL 2012 SP1, SQL Server 2014
  • Block installation SQL 2005 SP1, SP2, SQL 2000 and MSDE
  • IE 8 and later
  • Firefox 42 and later
  • IE 8 and later
  • Firefox versions 42
  • Chrome versions 47

NOTE: The minimum server requirements listed assume default configuration. Significantly increasing the poll rate or statistic collection rate could result in additional load on the server, which may require a larger CPU or additional memory


Bandwidth Gauges

Bandwidth Gauges
Monitor real-time network bandwidth usage meters.

Compare Startup and Running Configuration of Cisco Routers

Compare Startup and Running Configuration of Cisco Routers
Troubleshoot network issues that arise due to configuration changes.

Config Downloader

Config Downloader
Download a configuration file from a Cisco CMTS or network router to a PC.

Config Uploader

Config Uploader
Upload configuration changes to a Cisco router or switch via SNMP.

Configuration Management Tools

Configuration Management Tools
Access essential network and device configuration management tools to help you stay on top of config changes.

CPU Monitor

CPU Monitor
Monitor and graph the current load in relation to the maximum CPU load.

CPU Temperature Monitoring

CPU Temperature Monitoring
Monitor CPU temperature to maintain the performance of network devices.

DHCP Scope Monitor

DHCP Scope Monitor
Poll DHCP servers to identify which scopes are low on addresses.

DNS Audit

DNS Audit
Locate DNS errors in the database by scanning a range of IP addresses.

DNS Name Resolution and Whois Tool

DNS Name Resolution and Whois Tool
Get the information you need to resolve DNS Whois servers.

DNS Structure Analyzer

DNS Structure Analyzer
Visually display the hierarchy of DNS resource records, including name server, CName, and pointer.

MAC Address Scanner

MAC Address Scanner
Enjoy the benefits of automated MAC address scanning with SolarWinds Engineer’s Toolset network MAC scanner.

MAC Address Finder

MAC Address Finder
Gather information on and locate network devices.

Memory Monitor

Memory Monitor
Analyze memory utilization in real time and display information in tabular form.

MIB Browser, Update System MIBs, and SNMP Graphing Tool

MIB Browser, Update System MIBs, and SNMP Graphing Tool
Effectively manage and update MIBs with Engineer’s Toolset MIB solutions.

MIB Viewer

MIB Viewer
The SolarWinds MIB Viewer uses an extensive MIB database to display any OID or table.

MIB Walk

MIB Walk
MIB Walk gives you a complete list of all supported MIBs and OIDs.

NetFlow Configurator

NetFlow Configurator
Easy-to-use tool for remotely and quickly configuring NetFlow v5 via SNMP on supported Cisco devices.

NetFlow Real-time Tool

NetFlow Real-time Tool
Capture and analyze Cisco NetFlow data in real time to show what kind of traffic is traveling through the network.

etwork Diagnostics

Network Diagnostics
Perform network diagnostics for fast troubleshooting.

Network Engineer's Monitoring Tools

Network Engineer's Monitoring Tools
Easy access to network monitoring tools, when you need them.

Network Utilities

Network Utilities
Use a set of tools designed for engineers for better network management.

Open Port Checker

Open Port Checker
Discover the status of the ports on the network.

Open Port Scanner and Checker Tool

Open Port Scanner and Checker Tool
All the tools you need to easily secure, troubleshoot, and document your network.

Password Generator

Password Generator
Protect your enterprise network with a strong password generator.

Ping Monitor Software

Ping Monitor Software
Ping software continuously monitors device response time.

Ping Sweep

Ping Sweep
Simultaneously send multiple packets and scan your IP range by performing a fast ICMP sweep.

Proxy Ping

Proxy Ping
Remotely initiate a ping test and test links between remote sites.

Response Time Monitor

Response Time Monitor
Analyze the availability and latency for multiple devices with five second granularity.

Router Password Decryption

Router Password Decryption
Decrypt any Cisco type-7 passwords for routers and switches.

SNMP Brute Force Attack

SNMP Brute Force Attack
Attack an IP address with SNMP queries to determine the SNMP read-only and read-write community strings.

SNMP Dictionary Attack

SNMP Dictionary Attack
Use permuted hacker dictionaries to attack devices in an attempt to break into them or discover community strings.

Subnet Calculator

Subnet Calculator
Manage your IP network from discovery to address tracking.

Switch Port Mapper: Discover Connected Devices

Switch Port Mapper: Discover Connected Devices
Remotely discover the devices that are connected to each port on a switch or hub.

View and Edit Router and Switch Configurations

View and Edit Router and Switch Configurations
Quickly download the running configuration of a Cisco router and automatically archive it for future reference.

Router Password Decryption

Wake-on-LAN Tool
Generate a "Magic Packet" to remotely power on PCs attached to networks.

WAN Killer Network Traffic Generator

WAN Killer Network Traffic Generator
Perform network stress tests with WAN Killer.

Spam Blacklist Check

Spam Blacklist Check
Perform Domain Name System-based Blackhole List (DNSBL) checks.

TraceRoute Tool

TraceRoute Tool
Analyze the performance and latency of each hop across a communication path.


Download the Solarwinds Engineer's Toolset Datasheet (.PDF)


SolarWinds Products
Solarwinds Engineer's Toolset
SolarWinds Engineer's Toolset
License with 1st-year Maintenance
Our Price: $1,495.00