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Solarwinds IT Security Software
Powerful, Affordable, and Easy-to-Use Solutions to Make Everything in IT More Secure

Why SolarWinds for IT Security?

Enjoy extensive product functionality built on real IT security incidents and needs.

Buy the product that solves your immediate problem, and add coverage as your environment evolves.

Deploy products and increase the security of your environment in hours, not weeks or months.

Choose a IT Security Software to learn more

Security Event ManageSecurity Event Manager

Real-time security intelligence and compliance automation

  • Delivers automated security monitoring, alerting, and response to stop threats in their tracks
  • Streamlines compliance through log collection, secure archiving, and out-of-the-box reporting

Patch ManagerPatch Manager

Centralized patch management for Windows desktops, laptops, and servers

  • Deploys 3rd-party patches from Adobe, Oracle (Java), Mozilla, and more
  • Offers patch status views and patch compliance reports from an intuitive dashboard

Secure Managed File TransferSecure Managed File Transfer

Secure file transfer and file sharing

  • Deploy in your own data center to support FTP, FTPS, SFTP, and HTTP/S protocols for file transfer
  • Provide granular access control, session monitoring, and alerts to protect sensitive data

Secure FTP ServerSecure FTP Server

FTP server software for secure file transfer

  • Secure FTP server that supports FTP and FTPS (over SSL/TLS) for file transfer
  • View, upload, and download files from anywhere
  • Transfer files over Web and mobile device interfaces