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Solarwinds Take Control
Remote access designed for power and speed, all at an affordable price

Solarwinds N-central



Remote support software designed to help your IT business succeed—at an affordable price. SolarWinds Take Control is built to help IT service providers support more customers via fast, intuitive remote support to nearly any platform. Take Control provides access to deep diagnostics from one dashboard while simultaneously connecting to devices typically in seconds. It's designed to fit your technicians’ workflows—and your company’s budget.

Take Control

Take Control includes:

  • Attended and unattended support
  • Connections typically in under eight seconds
  • Native iOS and Android applications
  • Ability to provide support from Android and iOS Devices
  • Brandable and intuitive user experience
  • Live chat and fast file transfers
  • Powerful troubleshooting tools

Take Control Plus

Take Control Plus includes everything in Take Control AND:

  • Batch scripting
  • Registry editing
  • Secrets vaults
  • Real-time session monitoring
  • Ability to connect to Android and iOS Devices
  • Survey creation tools
  • Technician performance reporting

Crush Your Task List with Fast, Powerful Remote Support

When customers have an issue, they want it resolved fast. Your technicians don’t have time to wait for their remote support tools to connect. Take Control is engineered to provide both fast connection speeds and sharp diagnostic tools, helping technicians resolve issues quickly and move on with their day.

Make Take Control Yours with Robust Remote Support Customization

While Take Control is built to let you hit the ground running, you can also configure it to fit your needs. For starters, the system supports custom branding to help keep your business top-of-mind with customers. Additionally, Take Control is built to streamline your support operation by allowing you to configure workflows and customize reports to suit your business.

The Info You Need in High Resolution

If your remote support software can’t support high-res monitors or if the remote viewer has limited functionality, technicians can’t maximize their productivity. Take Control is designed to give technicians crystal-clear visibility into devices and their associated technical info. It's also built to help managers control quality via full session recordings and chat transcript searches.

Earn Your Customers’ Trust with Safe Remote Support

Take Control is designed to help keep user data safe via advanced encryption protocols, support for two-factor authentication and multilevel permissions, and optional automatic PIN and clipboard deletion after sessions. In short, Take Control is built to help you gain the trust of your customers.

Take Control:

SolarWinds Take Control is intended to provide robust remote access for IT businesses without straining their budgets. It was built to help you connect in seconds and uses multiple deep diagnostic tools to resolve issues quickly and professionally.

Your remote access solution is one of your most essential IT support tools. Not only does it need to simply work, it needs to be fast and provide key diagnostic tools and device information where and when you need it. SolarWinds Take Control was designed for this and more, at a price most businesses can afford.

For both attended and unattended support needs, Take Control was built with security in mind, using sophisticated encryption like Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman and AES 256. To further help strengthen data security, Take Control was engineered to include multilevel authentication, two-factor authentication, and session-specific PIN generation as standard features.

Take Control was designed to excel in the speed and power departments by offering 24-bit true color multimonitor visibility, highlevel diagnostic and Windows tools, and drag/drop or cut/paste bulk file transfers. You can choose to record sessions if you need, and you can also search session notes to trace device issue histories.

Take Control was designed to include:

  • Support for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android platforms
  • Encryption technologies intended to help keep data, PINs, and customers safe
  • Custom branding and the ability to request support via website
  • Connection to devices in typically under eight seconds
  • Support for 4K+ resolution, multimonitor, and 24-bit true color
  • System information and robust tools accessible from a central console
  • Cut/paste or drag/drop file transfers
  • Security that could potentially help with HIPAA, GDPR, and other privacy regulations

Designed for Speed and Efficiency

Designed for Speed and Efficiency

Take Control was built to help your technicians offer IT support as efficiently as possible. It was designed to provide fast connection speeds and robust diagnostic tools to help you support more users and devices in less time.

Built for Technicians' Workflows

Built for Technicians' Workflows

The technician console puts device system information front and center, and was designed to make starting attended sessions a snap. Additionally, the remote viewer was engineered to let technicians view user monitors with 24-bit clarity. It was designed to put diagnostic controls right at a technician’s fingertips to help them get customers back to full productivity quickly.

Created to Please End Users

Created to Please End Users

Many users will find Take Control simple and easy to use. Customers can request help via email, chat, or a button on your website. This allows you access to their machine via a link or by visiting and entering a session-unique, six-digit code. The live chat feature was built to help make it easy to communicate— technicians can even point out useful things with a built-in laser pointer.

Robust Administrative Tools

The Take Control admin area is your main dashboard and hub where you can set up technicians, devices, and users. You can also configure your branding, start unattended or attended sessions, review reports, and more. It was designed to help you keep all aspects of your remote support business in one organized place.

Built with your Future in Mind

Over time, you may find you need more sophisticated request-queue handling and configuration. At that point, you can upgrade to Take Control Plus, our most robust remote support solution. Take Control Plus was engineered to help you better manage request queues, leverage VoIP and presession chat capabilities, offer customer surveys, and gain access to even more powerful diagnostic tools.

And like Take Control, Take Control Plus was designed to be affordable for most businesses.

Take Control Plus:

Fast and powerful remote support. SolarWinds Take Control Plus: Designed to help you take control of your business, technician eff icacy, and customer experience. The right remote support solution doesn’t just connect techs to machines, it solves business problems.

The SolarWinds Take Control Plus remote support solution provides a uniquely powerful tool for IT providers to access nearly any platform or device to solve issues quickly. It delivers clear visibility and communication capabilities to solve technical problems fast and delight end users. Packed with all the features of more premium, expensive solutions, SolarWinds Take Control Plus off ers powerful tools, reporting, and session monitoring at a very affordable price. Whether responding to a user support request or performing unattended maintenance, with SolarWinds Take Control Plus, technicians can complete any remote support function with a minimum of clicks and time.

For Your Technicians

Techs need sharp, powerful tools to diagnose issues quickly and ensure customers get the service they expect. SolarWinds Take Control Plus offers some of the most advanced troubleshooting, communication and security features to get the job done fast and right.

In-Session Features

  • Session recording
  • Session notes & search
  • Missed session notifications
  • Color & quality adjustment for highto low-bandwidth users
  • Fast video streaming
  • Full screen and fit screen views
  • Hide wallpaper and screen blanking
  • Automatic keyboard translation mapping
  • Block remote keyboard & mouse
  • Session transfer & multisession handling
  • Technician screen sharing
  • Change terminal services session
  • View-only (monitor-only) sessions
  • Blank screen
  • Pause session

Troubleshooting & Maintenance Tools

  • Run local batch script (system shell session)
  • System CMD shell
  • PowerShell
  • Windows 8 & 10 commands
  • Force reboot & reconnect—in Safe Mode if necessary
  • Restart & shutdown
  • Terminal session access with user access selection
  • Port & RDP forwarding
  • Lock PC
  • Prevent auto-sleep, auto-lock & inactivity disconnects
  • Blank screen
  • Pause session
  • Take screenshot

Communication & User Help Tools

  • Remote printing for Mac & Windows on any printer
  • Live chat
  • VoIP
  • Laser pointer
  • Switch presenter role

Dashboard Controls

  • Basic system info (OS, CPU, RAM Network, Disc space)
  • System health (temps, system info)
  • BIOS and device details
  • Video Controller and AV active
  • Firewall on
  • Applications and drivers
  • Start-up programs
  • Windows event logs & updates

For Your Business

SolarWinds Take Control Plus not only provides clear dashboards and data to help you optimize business eff iciency, but also tremendous flexibility to brand and configure elements to fit your business needs. SolarWinds Take Control Plus also considers iron-clad security to be fundamental, so you and your customers can rest assured that data is designed to stay safe at every point in the support process.


  • Branding of Agent & Applet components
  • Custom Terms of Service
  • Email customization & branding
  • PIN code expiration options
  • Controls for idle session timeouts, expected wait time visibility, showing users their position in wait queue
  • Mass deployment of agents to machines

Management Features

  • Flexible & granular technician creation
  • Multi-layer authentication
  • Advanced device inventory
  • End-user remote access capability
  • Ability to organize by department
  • SolarWinds Take Control Plus proxies
  • Deferred support-request capabilities and queuing
  • Custom warnings & communications
  • Mandatory & optional surveys for end users
  • Calling cards
  • Panic button (10 hrs. of unlimited use)


  • Real-time session monitoring
  • Session History report with option to drill down into all details and export to .xls
  • Session video recording with upload to cloud
  • Real-time and historical technician performance
  • Customer survey summaries

For Your Customers

A simple and pleasant end-user experience is always the IT support professional’s goal. Fast, easy connection and fluid communication are critical to making sure end users and technicians resolve issues swiftly, the fi rst time.

  • One-click support requests from branded website button or on-screen tray icon
  • Quick connect from and 6-digit PIN
  • Expected wait time information
  • Position in support queue information
  • Receipt of session links through email
  • Live chat or VoIP calling
  • Pre-session chat
  • Laser pointer
  • Calling cards
  • Automatic report receipt
  • Post-session surveys


Overview Take Control Take Control Plus
Attended support (downloaded applets)
Unattended support (installed agents)
Connection typically established in under 8 seconds
Support from Mac, Windows, iOS, Android, or Linux
Support for Windows and Mac
Installed endpoint agents 50 500
Mobile application (iOS and Android)
Support for Android and iOS devices  
Multiple languages
24/7 chat support
24/7 chat and phone support  
Customer Experience Take Control Take Control Plus
Simple PIN connect to unregistered devices
“Get Support” request button for your website
Keyboard tray icon support request button
Sending of session links via email or chat
Safe in-session chat
Guide for customers at
In-session video calling  
Post-session surveys  
Pre-session chat  
Show customer position in request queue in applet  
Show customer expected wait time in queue  
VoIP calling  
Branding and Configurations Take Control Take Control Plus
Branding of agent and applet components
Customized emails and alerts
Organize by department
“Get Support” request button for your website
Mass deployment of agents to machines
Default configurations for new agents
Customize your Terms of Service  
Customization of URL  
Customized reports  
Automatic report sending  
IP access control  
Email notifications  
Session Management Take Control Take Control Plus
One-click access from registered devices
Multisession handling
Session recording
Searchable session notes
Missed session notifications
Hide wallpaper
Full screen/fit screen
Block remote keyboard and mouse
Laser pointer
Lock PC
Technician screen sharing (attended sessions)  
Switch presenter role  
Port forwarding  
RDP forwarding  
Pause session  
Blank screen  
Change terminal services session  
Security Take Control Take Control Plus
GDPR ready
AES encryption
FIPS 140-2-compliant components
Multilayer authentication with mandatory 2FA for admins
Clipboard deletion at session end
Lock PC
Prevent auto-sleep, auto-lock and inactivity disconnects
Idle sessions timeout control  
Management and Reporting Take Control Take Control Plus
Video session recording to local machine
Session history and search (up to six months)
Flexible technician creation and permissions
Video session recording to cloud  
Session history and search (unlimited)  
Post-session surveys for both customers and technicians  
Calling cards  
Deferred support requests  
Real-time session dashboard  
Survey summary reports  
Technician performance reports  
PIN expiration options  
Session history export to .xls  
In-Session Tools and Features Take Control Take Control Plus
Remote printing to Mac, Windows, and most printers
4K+ remote monitor support
24-bit true color support
Dynamic multimonitor support
Automatic color and quality bandwidth adjustment
Fast copy/paste or drag-and-drop file transfer
Automatic keyboard mapping translation
Force reboot and reconnect (in safe mode, if necessary)
System CMD shell with “native” performance and shortcuts
Windows commands
Prevent auto-sleep, auto-lock and inactivity disconnects
Basic system info (OS, CPU, RAM, network, etc.)
Terminal session access with user access selection
Run local batch script  
Registry editing  
Device details (apps, drivers, BIOS, video controller, etc.)  
AV active status  
Firewall status  
Extensive system info (processes, network, apps, services, drivers and much more)  
Windows event logs and updates  
Take Control proxy  
Mobile config. files upload  
Deferred support API  
History API  

What is Take Control?

SolarWinds Take Control is a fast, powerful, and safe remote support solution that gives you the ability to offer clients IT support from wherever you are.

What kind of behind-the-scenes remote support services can an MSP provide with SolarWinds Take Control?

Take Control offers both unattended (behind the scenes) and attended (with user present) support. Unattended support can be initiated with a single click to a registered device, and access to unlock that machine using our Secrets Vault feature.

Attended remote support includes great communication capabilities, like live chat and VoIP, as well as fine-tuned visibility into users’ monitors and machines.  

For either type of access, our Tech Console and Remote Viewer put the tools techs need to diagnose and resolve issues right at their fingertips – from detailed system information to editable registries, Take Control gives techs a clear view into systems to offer great support. 

How do users request support in Take Control?

New users can request support through a “Get Support” button on your website, or by contacting your team and connecting through a 9-digit PIN. Once user devices are registered in Take Control, they can request support via a system tray icon, or chat. Incoming requests can be automatically routed to specific technicians, and technicians can easily pass requests to other technicians if an issue needs to be escalated.

Once a request has been made, how do you communicate with the client?

Managing support requests is easy with Take Control. Once a support request has been made, Take Control provides you with the ability to open a lightweight live-chat window or VoIP call to engage with clients, should questions come up. While they are waiting for support, they can see their place in the support queue and an estimate of wait time. Technicians can also easily transfer files to the user, share their monitor, or even use a laser pointer to highlight things on the user’s screen.

How configurable is Take Control?

All user-facing elements of Take Control can be branded by the MSP. Terms of Service, automated emails, and reports can be customized and set to send per the MSP’s schedule. Take Control can be organized by department or technician with multi-layer authentication set to help ensure user security.

Can I offer my customers the ability to remote into their computers using Take Control?

Yes, with Take Control Plus, you can offer this capability for up to 10 users.

Can I buy licenses of both Take Control and Take Control Plus?

No. All Take Control or Take Control Plus licenses are used by all users/technicians; a license is not attached to a particular user. What this means is that all the settings and configurations are shared by all techs (except permissions, which can be set individually). Since Take Control does not include all the features of Take Control Plus and supports fewer agent-installed endpoint machines, all licenses must be of the same type.

What kind of support do I get?

SolarWinds offers 24/7 chat support and a Customer Success Center that features a comprehensive Take Control Help Center. Take Control Plus owners also can submit cases to our Support team and speak with them live. We also offer many free courses to help you grow your business with MSP Institute.

Where is the SolarWinds Take Control documentation?

Take Control documentation can be found with our release documentation.

If I buy Take Control, can I upgrade to Take Control Plus?

Yes, and you can easily do that from within the product. Just go to your Account in the Admin Area and select “Licensing Information”. From there, you can easily add additional licenses, or upgrade from Take Control to Take Control Plus.

Can you record sessions and where are the recordings stored?

Yes, you can record sessions. For Take Control, they can only be stored locally where are with Take Control Plus there is unlimited storage for up to two years.

How much does Take Control and Take Control Plus cost?

You can see full pricing on our webpage – just select month-to-month or annual pricing, and the currency you need.

Can I pay with a credit card?

Yes! When you buy Take Control or Take Control Plus from your free trial, you’ll be guided through a typical electronic commerce flow, where you can add a credit card that will be automatically charged.


Download the Solarwinds Take Control Datasheet (.PDF)

Download the Solarwinds Take Control Plus Datasheet (.PDF)

Get in touch with a Solarwinds Solutions Specialist today to Learn More!